Glasgow Scotland - George - the joiner

Glasgow Scotland - Sir Hugo - freelance specialist in historic weapons and costumes. He works with museums education depts throughout Scotland but also with film and television in battlefield reenactment

Glasgow Scotland - Yupin - curator of Chinese & Far Eastern Civilisations

Glasgow Scotland - Laurence the taxidermist hamming it up for me

Glasgow Scotland - Georgia - the chef de tournament prepares herself for the battles ahead

Glasgow Scotland - Hugh Stevenson - retired art curator

Glasgow Scotland - David - museums IT support

Glasgow Scotland - Leone - Restaurant Manager ... "I hate getting my picture taken"

Glasgow Scotland - Diane - Visitor assistant/security staff

Glasgow Scotland - George - Visitor assistant/security staff

Glasgow Scotland - Malcolm - a trained Geologist Malcolm now works as a Visitor Assistant

Glasgow Scotland - Dr Ralph Moffat - Curator of European Arms and Armour

Glasgow Scotland - Ruth - museums supervisor ... another mad keen cyclist - and she also plays bass guitar in a band!

Glasgow Scotland - Fraser Campbell - the electrician

Glasgow Scotland - Adam - building supervisor for Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museums

Glasgow Scotland - Andrew - the technician, mad fixie rider and keen photographer

Forres Scotland - Sandy & Ed Hastings of Battlefield Highland reenactments

Glasgow Scotland - Russell - trades supervisor and award winning cabinet maker/carpenter.

Glasgow Scotland - techies - technical staff who I work with a lot behind the scenes in Glasgow Museums & Art Galleries. They are unfailingly grumpy, sarcastic and hilarious in equal measure

Glasgow Scotland - Pat Allan - curator of World Cultures - She has worked on archaeological sites as an ethnobotanist throughout the world for many years, principally on the Southern Coast of Ecuador where she was field director and environmentalist for a multinational, multidisciplinary research project and museum.

Glasgow Scotland - Alastair Gunning - retired Curator of Geology, based at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, responsible for the collections of fossils, minerals and rocks.

Glasgow Scotland - Ken - retired museums conservatore - military historian and collector

Glasgow Scotland - Grant Leckie - Learning & Access - Grant is an expert on ancient weapon making and hunting.

Glasgow Scotland - Drew - WW1 reenactor working with http://diggingin.co.uk/

Glasgow Scotland - Reg - retired joiner

Glasgow Scotland - Billy - who works for Learning and Access in Glasgow Museums - this is him in his drill instructor getup for a schools workshop in Scotland Street School Museum

Glasgow Scotland - Enzo - museums photographer and friend, the wonderfully named Vincenzo Di Cosmo

Glasgow Scotland - Enzo - museums photographer and friend, the wonderfully named Vincenzo Di Cosmo

Glasgow Scotland - Alastair - museums outreach